curl \ -H "Authorization: ShippoToken " \ -d name="Shawn Ippotle" \ -d company="Shippo" \ -d street1="215 Clayton St." \ -d street2="" \ -d city="San Francisco" \ -d state="CA" \ -d zip=94117 \ -d country="US" \ -d phone="+1 555 341 9393" \ -d email=""\ -d is_residential=True\ -d metadata="Customer ID 123456" Orchard Reports | Meena Farms
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Meena Farms

Monthly Orchard Reports 


february 2022

The beginning of the month was off to an early start. The first bloom sighted was on February 5th, putting our bees straight to work. This first bloom points us in the direction of an early harvest.


At the end of the month, parts of our region experienced a freeze event with temperatures as low as 27 degrees. As a result, we are very fortunate that our cherry orchards only had minimal pockets of damage. 




January 2022

Coming into the New Year, we experienced a great winter season of chill. The state ended this month in very dry conditions, but we are fortunate to have some of the oldest water rights in the state to supply our orchards. We look forward to the prospects of a productive cherry season. 

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